Sunday, 17 April 2016

Mexrrissey. Electric Ballroom. Thursday 14th April 2016.

Following on from a triumphant London outing at the Barbican last year, Morrissey tribute act Mexrrissey returned to the capital with a stunning show at the Electric Ballroom.

Starting with their latest recording El Primero del Gang (Last of the Gang to Die) the seven-piece were onto a winner. Older Smiths classics like Mi Novia Esta En Coma (Girlfriend in a Coma) and El Boca (Bigmouth Strikes Again) went down very well inside the venue. Indeed, on the count of ringleader Camilo Lara during El Boca the crowd did literally rise and fall to his call: "Bigmouth, la la la la" echoing back at him by every voice.

It is producer/ringleader/chief button-presser Camilo Lara who has created this magic formula. Female vocalist Ceci Bastida takes lead vocals on two tracks including a haunting version of Cada Dia Es Domingo (Everyday Is Like Sunday). Guitarist and lead singer Jay de la Cueva is the ace in the pack, and his Spanish lyricisms work so well on Estuvo Bien (Suedehead).

The reactions from the people inside the venue are quite brilliant; whenever someone recognises the tune being played before them there is a little hubbub of excitement. Ultimately, joy and laughter is the prevailing theme of this show by Mexrrissey. The band reach the pinnacle during a glorious rendition of Panic: "Muerte la DJ, Muerte la DJ!" sung by a jubilant Camilo Lara. The joy on his face spreads to everyone in the Ballroom. This is a really wonderful joyous show to go and see. Come back to London soon, guys.

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