Thursday, 31 October 2013

Lady Lamb the Beekeeper- Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen. Monday 14th October 2013.

To a room full of quiet appreciation and a dizzying flickering glitterball, Aly Spaltro took to the stage in total darkness. Anticipation to hear songs from her debut album Ripely Pine was the reason for the busy little crowd. Singing into the void with her opener Up In the Rafters; this opener was not an indication of how the set would turn out!

Bang! Straight into Bird Balloons. A song so utterly crazy with a ridiculous time sequence. Songs such as Aubergine and Hair to the Ferris Wheel shone out. The use of a drummer to assist was extremely welcome; and added some welcome oomph to the punchier numbers. The drummer wasn't always present; disappearing while some of the softer numbers in the set like Little Brother were played out.

Really though it is tracks like You Are The Apple and The Nothing Part Two which is the main reason why there is such a packed little crowd in this corner of East London. With the finale Crane Your Neck hitting all the right notes, Lady Lamb left you wanting more. She heads back to her homeland in the States tomorrow; but there is no doubt that she'll be back.

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