Monday, 5 November 2012

The best songs at this moment in time

Someone asked me what music I like recently.

The answer to this question is always difficult. Now, usually, if I was feeling quite garrulous I would give a detailed response to the person who was asking the question. In future, if I was running short of time, I may just give them this webpage link.

Here is a list of songs by artists that I admire at the moment. These tracks are currently swimming around my head.

"Yeah, so, um, wait a second!" This is quite marvellous. In fact, I would say that it completely blew my mind when it came out. I loved their first record, so when this was released last month I was in awe. It's just simple, everyone in the world needs to hear Everything Everything. The new album is out in January; no doubt it will go completely unnoticed, but you must hear this.

YEASAYER- Devil and the Deed
From the latest album, which is so intriguing that you need to listen to again and again. Their London show was cancelled in September, so I'm making up for it by playing the record lots of times. In December is the rescheduled date. I can't wait.

What happens when you put two of the World's most interesting musicians in a room together? You get this! Who is the first track from the new record. Annie Clark (St Vincent) can do no wrong in my eyes, and their Love This Giant collaboration backs this theory. It won't set the charts alight, but for the fans out there it is a great little musical piece.

I recently witnessed Natasha Khan in concert, and I cannot recommend her highly enough. She has a back catalogue of three albums, all of which are superb. I know, I know, I'm using lots of boring superlatives here. However, it is true. Bat For Lashes is the most enjoyable live act I have witnessed this year. And she has a fantastic shoulder shuffle.(if you have seen her live you'll know what I mean). This track; Laura, which is just Natasha and a Piano shows just how stripped down music can get. Listen to how her voice echoes around in this song. It is hauntingly beautiful.

The new album is out in January. I really like this song. It sounds a bit like Summer, which is always welcome. That is all.

GRIZZLY BEAR- A Simple Answer
This is a live track taken from a session before they went on their world tour. I love Grizzly Bear. They can raise a record to a crescendo and they can perform a song whereby you can hear a pin drop. This track rises and falls just like that. It peaks about two thirds of the way through, before a slightly disconcerting ending. This might not be to everyone's taste, but this is utterly compelling listening.

Such a cool record. This rocks. And it is so short. 

Blasko is back! Blasko is back! This is the most recent track released from her record that she has released Down Under. The new album will be so soon on our record players.

METRONOMY- Hypnose (Jean Michel Jarre cover)
I like this cover version and the video is pretty much made for blogging and animal lovers on the Internet in 2012. 

ALT-J- Something Good
This is a record that probably rightfully won the Mercury Prize. There is so much to hear on this song. It needs much more listening time than I have probably given it.

THE XX- Angels
This is track 1 on the album. For a whole two days I couldn't get beyond it to the rest of the album. It is suitably excellent. Also, it ties in with being a past winner of the Mercury Prize.

Oui, oui! Si Si! Just a joy! You cannot not have a smile on your face after hearing this record.

JAPAN- Visions of China
Alright, this isn't new! Yet, this is a classic. It just doesn't escape my head! 

This blog entry contains far too many superlatives. Yes, I  know I need to invest in a thesaurus. However, the above tunes speak for themselves. Give them a listen!

Or, recommend! 

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