Wednesday, 24 July 2013

White Lies. Hoxton Square Bar and Kitchen. 23rd July 2013

In a tiny room in the East End of London, White Lies took to the stage; five years on since their debut performance at the same venue.

Tickets for the gig were only advertised via the White Lies forums; and a specific ticketing ballot was set up. There were three hundred fans present in the room. Intimate would be the best word to describe this. Yet, whenever White Lies hit that first note; the crowd all took a step backwards! With so much power and ferocity in their setlist; this was one hell of a gig.

Showcasing tracks from To Lose My Life and songs from the highly anticipated new album Big TV; this was a setlist that contained new and old. White Lies certainly know how to please a crowd. Dipping into tracks like Farewell to the Fairground and A Place to Hide early on shows how much they still love their first record; and how much they know that their fans love that record.

There were lots of dedications; there was an element of surprise in lead singer Harry McVeigh's stage presence; "We've never heard a crowd sing our songs so loudly before"; plus there were plenty of smiles. White Lies songs are quite sinister tales of love and loss; and it is intriguing to note how Harry completely changes as soon as that first note is played.

Ultimately though, it is the hits which are the reason why White Lies are so successful. Tracks like Unfinished Business and Death light up the room. Also, I've always felt that the song Bigger Than Us; from the highly underrated album Ritual, IS bigger than White Lies. It is totally epic.

Three hundred people; and the five band members on stage; left the room on a complete high. That was an incredible show.