I think I should tell you a bit more about my training that I'm doing. (Warning: this may be a boring blog entry so I'm trying to make it sound really exciting!).

I've been given a training program to adhere to in order to improve my fitness, strength and conditioning in agreement with the England coaches at football. So, from time to time, I like to do something that is a bit different from the normal 5 a side!
On Tuesday evening I went hill running on a hill near Ivinghoe Beacon on the Beds/Bucks/Herts border. I've read articles online about how hill running can improve your speed and stamina in sport and I honestly believe that it does.
The hill (pictured) is as steep as it looks. It is like the travelator in Gladiators except fortunately the grass doesn't run towards you. By the way, I'm not wearing the Gladiators get-up (blue/red vest, helmet, mouth protector) while I'm doing this- just shorts, T-shirt, football socks and a good pair of trainers. The only thing that can injure me is the pesky rabbit warrens that are all over the side of the hill.
There is something inspiring in running up a hill too, its like you're the King of the Hill! It is also completely exhausting. You sprint to
the top, then walk back down, then sprint the top again! Its as simple as that! It up to you how many times you want to do it.
Also, there was absolutely no one about last night. I was running up and down the hill and the only eyes on me were the sheep in the farmers field. They were cheering me on.
I have another trick to pulling myself up the hill. As I'm listening to my iPod while running, I wait until there's a good bit in a song that I like. For example I waited forever until I started sprinting up the hill to the crescendo in The Chain by Fleetwood Mac! Sprinting up to a chorus or a guitar solo is the only way I can get to the top.
Quite appropriately "Road to Nowhere" by Talking Heads started playing, as did "Running Up that Hill" by Kate Bush. Perfect songs for the environment I was in.
The strange thing is, after you've sprinted up a hill a dozen times, then try and do more sprints, you just find it so difficult. My legs were like lead weights at the end.
I can move this morning, but muscles that you don't really use when running flat have been worked, like my gluteus maximus! (aka my bum muscles!). Also, I hope that I will be faster when sprinting on flat football pitches!
I was on the side of the hill for about an hour and fifteen minutes. The sheep did get bored (I could tell as they stopped clapping after a few runs), so I was so grateful to my iPod after a while to inspire me to sprint more!
Did I also tell you that its a fantastic way to get away from it all? I'd had a busy day at work, and that session was completely fantastic to forget about everything. There was also beautiful scenery and animals aplenty (hold on a second- I'm turning into Julie Andrews!)
I think I'd better leave it there! I'll post more training updates soon...